I spent the last 12 days in Nepal teaching CPR and while I was gone my wonderful friends continued making the meals for the kids! They said that both weeks went really well, and that last week the kids themselves did almost all of the passing out! It is incredible.
This week Asha Guwahati took some big steps forward! Rosie and I went out on Saturday and purchased the largest pressure cooker and rice cooker that we could find. Thanks to everyone's generous donations we are now able to more efficiently make the food which also enables us to make more meals. If you have had the opportunity to help us here then you know that previously we were having to make all the meals in batches and it took hours. Yesterday we found ourselves twiddling our thumbs after about one hour! This week we stuck to our normal amount to test the equipment out but next week we are increasing by 50% then doubling the following week if all goes as planned. That will equal 100 meals per feeding. I think 75 is enough to cover every child and adolescent in Lakhtokia. I have my eye on a group of about 15 or so that have appeared by the train station so that will be who the additional meals go to. Also, a friend who is local gave me some very exciting news this week which I will share more about later, good things are happening in the heart of Guwahati my friends, thanks for sticking along for the ride!