"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others..."
- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi


I am home

I arrived in Guwahati about 20 hours ago after 30 hours of travel. My flights were very uneventful except that the airline that  I was supposed to be on for the last leg of my journey went on strike while I was over the sea heading for Dubai. Luckily, OpSmile is awesome and had already purchased me a ticket on another airline and luckily Dubai airport had free wifi so I got to check my email and find this all out! Otherwise, all my luggage made it with me and there was a driver waiting for me at the little airport.

The driver is pretty much the most aggressive driver I've experienced yet. I don't think we ever came to a full stop one time on the 20/30 minute drive to the flat. We spent a majority of the time driving on the opposite direction of traffic's lane. But I made it nice and safe, which is all that mattered! We did almost hit a few cows and I had to think, what would be the consequence if that happened? Anywho, I got the the flat and Susie and Rosie (the other 2 nurses I am living with) were at work so it was just me. Or so I thought. The apartment people offered to make me lunch and I obliged. Meanwhile, I unpacked everything and walked around the flat with a huge smile on my face. I have my own bathroom with a shower, though I have been advised to just use my water bucket for showers since there's very little hot water. I have a queen sized bed, big closet and even t.v.! While I was unpacking there was a knock on the door so I went and released the dead bolt, opened the door and found that it was the apartment people with food. The quickly told me not to lock the deadbolt so next time they could just come in and leave the food!

I finished eating and decided it was shower time. When I got out of the shower there was a little hunched over lady sweeping my floor in my bedroom. She looks as though she may not even be able to stand up straight, she has been sweeping so much. I was in my towel and just said hi and we both went on with our business. About 10 minutes later someone else came in and took out the trash then a bit later someone else came in and cleaned the bathrooms. I'm pretty sure while I was napping yet another person came in to do who knows what!

That evening Susie and Rosie got home with some dinner. I decided to just go for it and eat the chicken and fresh veggies with them, 2 whole categories of food that I didn't touch last time I was here. It's the next morning now and I still feel fine! We sat around and laughed about all the different cleaning people and they confirmed that there are about 10 different people with 10 different jobs during the day. I actually feel weird and slightly guilty that there are people that come in and do all of this stuff instead of me doing it on my own. On the other hand, I am thankful that they have a job so I guess we'll just call it even.

I slept like a rock last night and now I am off to get ready for my first day!

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