The Sunday that I left for the states to renew my visa I told some of the children to count five Sundays and then I would be back. A few of them broke down into tears, thinking that they would not see anyone on Sundays during that time. I quickly explained that every week they would continue to get their food and that was largely due to the ever awesome Deborah:
I had asked Deb to head up the project in my absence and though I know it made her nervous, she excitedly accepted the challenge. After a few weeks of 'precepting' (nurse jokes) she was on her own. Little did I know that one of the weeks Deb completely made all of the food by herself. Making a meal for eighty is no easy task, add in power outages and transporting four hundred leaf plates alone on a scooter and I'd say that Deb is extremely dedicated to these kids. I swell knowing that so many people here care enough to donate their time and resources to help and every week when I got a little report from her I ached to be home but felt so much comfort. Also, nearly all of the photos you see of the kids and the project are taken by her. I hate typing it out but in just two weeks she has to head back to the U.S. and resume life in the states. We will all sorely miss her, and hope to see her on this side again soon. Below are just a few of the snaps she took while I was away...
A little guy walking across the tracks with his plate to his slum home on the other side.
Showing off their muscles!
A regular kiddo showing a new boy how to carry his plate and where to sit. My heart melted when she shared this one with me.
Joy in the midst of immeasurable heartache.
Visitors world wide loving on the kids!
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